शुक्रवार, 5 अगस्त 2016

Goa To Implement 7th Pay Commission Recommendations From Nov 1

Goa To Implement 7th Pay Commission Recommendations From Nov 1

Panaji: Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar has said the 7th Pay Commission recommendations would be implemented in the state from November 1.

Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar

“We have decided to implement the recommendations of Seventh Pay Commission from November 1 onwards. The pending arrears from January to October 2016 would be deposited in the employee provident fund (PF) and National Pension System (NPS),” Parsekar told the state Assembly yesterday while talking on the demand for grants.

He also said the order on implementation of the seventh pay commission would be issued around Ganesh Chaturthi, scheduled on September 5.

“The Ganesh Chaturthi will come with good news to the government employees. We will issue the order during that time. The implementation would be from November 1,” he said.

The chief minister said the government will have to spend an additional Rs 72 crore monthly towards salaries and pensions of government employees for implementation of recommendations of the new commission.

A provision of Rs 2,553 crore has been made towards seventh pay commission implementation in the state budget, Parsekar said.

The Chief Minister had a few days back informed the House that as per the revised pay scale, the state government will have to pay Rs 272 crore per month as against Rs 213 crore per month as per the existing scale, which will be an additional burden of Rs 59 crore.

During 2015-16, Rs 1,946 crore were earmarked for the salaries and pensions, which has now been hiked to Rs 2,553 crore to make up for the liability created by seventh pay.


बुधवार, 29 जून 2016

The present system of Pay Bands and Grade Pay has been dispensed

The present system of Pay Bands and Grade Pay has been dispensed with and a new Pay Matrix as recommended by the Commission has been approved. The status of the employee, hitherto determined by grade pay, will now be determined by the level in the Pay Matrix. Separate Pay Matrices have been drawn up for Civilians, Defence Personnel and for Military Nursing Service. The principle and rationale behind these matrices are the same.

All existing levels have been subsumed in the new structure; no new levels have been introduced nor has any level been dispensed with. Index of Rationalisation has been approved for arriving at minimum pay in each Level of the Pay Matrix depending upon the increasing role, responsibility and accountability at each step in the hierarchy.

The minimum pay has been increased from Rs.  7000 to 18000 p.m.  Starting salary of a newly recruited employee at lowest level will now be Rs.  18000 whereas for a freshly recruited Class I officer, it will be Rs.  56100.  This reflects a compression ratio of 1:3.12 signifying that pay of a Class I officer on direct recruitment will be three times the pay of an entrant at lowest level.

For the purpose of revision of pay and pension, a fitment factor of 2.57 will be applied across all Levels in the Pay Matrices. After taking into account the DA at prevailing rate, the salary/pension of all government employees/pensioners will be raised by at least 14.29 % as on 01.01.2016.

Rate of increment has been retained at 3 %. This will benefit the employees in future on account of higher basic pay as the annual increments that they earn in future will be 2.57 times than at present.

The Cabinet approved further improvements in the Defence Pay Matrix by enhancing Index of Rationalisation for Level 13A (Brigadier) and providing for additional stages in Level 12A (Lieutenant Colonel), 13 (Colonel) and 13A (Brigadier) in order to bring parity with Combined Armed Police Forces (CAPF) counterparts at the maximum of the respective Levels.

Some other decisions impacting the employees including Defence & Combined Armed Police Forces (CAPF) personnel include :
Gratuity ceiling enhanced from Rs.  10 to 20 lakh. The ceiling on gratuity will increase by 25 % whenever DA rises by 50 %.
A common regime for payment of Ex-gratia lump sum compensation for civil and defence forces personnel payable to Next of Kin with the existing rates enhanced from Rs. 10-20 lakh to 25-45 lakh for different categories.
Rates of Military Service Pay revised from Rs.  1000, 2000, 4200 & 6000 to 3600, 5200, 10800 & 15500 respectively for various categories of Defence Forces personnel.
Terminal gratuity equivalent of 10.5 months of reckonable emoluments for Short Service Commissioned Officers who will be allowed to exit Armed Forces any time between 7 and 10 years of service.
Hospital Leave, Special Disability Leave and Sick Leave subsumed into a composite new Leave named ‘Work Related Illness and Injury Leave’ (WRIIL). Full pay and allowances will be granted to all employees during the entire period of hospitalization on account of WRIIL.

The Cabinet also approved the recommendation of the Commission to enhance the ceiling of House Building Advance from Rs.  7.50 lakh to 25 lakh. In order to ensure that no hardship is caused to employees, four interest free advances namely Advances for Medical Treatment, TA on tour/transfer, TA for family of deceased employees and LTC have been retained. All other interest free advances have been abolished.

The Cabinet also decided not to accept the steep hike in monthly contribution towards Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) recommended by the Commission. The existing rates of monthly contribution will continue. This will increase the take home salary of employees at lower levels by Rs. 1470. However, considering the need for social security of employees, the Cabinet has asked Ministry of Finance to work out a customized group insurance scheme for Central Government Employees with low premium and high ri

मंगलवार, 21 जून 2016

कर्मचारियों में गुस्सा, हड़ताल की चेतावनी

कर्मचारियों में गुस्सा, हड़ताल की चेतावनी

सातवें वेतन आयोग ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में न्यूनतम वेतन 18,000 और अधिकतम वेतन दो लाख, 50,000 रुपये करने की सिफारिश की थी। सूत्रों के मुताबिक इस पर विचार के लिए केंद्र ने कैबिनेट स्तरीय कमेटी गठित की ताकि सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट जल्द से जल्द फाइनल की जा सके। कैबिनेट कमेटी ने भी अब अपनी रिपोर्ट दे दी है। सूत्रों के मुताबिक कमेटी ने जो रिपोर्ट दी है उसमें 18 से 30 फीसदी की हाईक मिली है। इसके अनुसार न्यूनतम वेतन 23,000 से 25,000 रुपये और अधिकतम वेतन तीन लाख 50,000 रुपये अनुमन्य किया है। केंद्र सरकार इस रिपोर्ट को उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा चुनाव के पहले लागू करना चाहती है जिसका 01 जनवरी 2016 से बकाया भी मिलेगा। इसके पीछे सोच साफ है कि विधानसभा चुनाव में भाजपा इसका लाभ हासिल कर सके। लेकिन इस रिपोर्ट से कर्मचारियों का गुस्सा सातवें आसमान पर पहुंच चुका है। उनका कहना है कि सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों ने अधिकारियों और कर्मचारियों के बीच की खाई को और चौड़ा कर दिया है। कर्मचारी संगठनों की मानें तो वे इसे आईएएस लॉबी को खुश करने वाली रिपोर्ट है। ऐसे में कर्मचारियों ने राष्ट्रव्यापी हड़ताल की धमकी दी है। खासतौर पर रेल कर्मचारी ज्यादा गुस्से में हैं। बताया जा रहा है कि रेलवे में 42 साल बाद हड़ताल का नोटिस पडा है ।

क्या था कर्मचारी संगठनों का विरोध
कर्मचारी संगठनों का विरोध था कि सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों के तहत न्यूनतम और अधिकतम वेतन का अनुपात बढ़ा दिया गया है। इस नाम पर न्यूनतम वेतन तो बढ़ाने की सिफारिश की गयी है, लेकिन इसकी आड़ में सेक्रेटरी की पे 32,5000 और कैबिनेट सेक्रेटरी की 3,50,000 कर दी जाएगी जिससे न्यूनतम और अधिकतम वेतन का अनुपात और बढ़ जाएगा।

मूल वेतन में 50 प्रतिशत डीए भी नहीं बढ़या

सोमवार, 20 जून 2016

शिविरा पंचांग 2016-17 सारांश

*शिविरा पंचांग 2016-17 सारांश*

स्कूलों का समय गर्मियों में सुबह 8 से दोपहर 2-10 और सर्दियों में 9-30 से 3-40 बजे का ही रखा गया है।

कक्षा एक से 8 वीं तक वर्ष में कभी भी शिक्षा का अधिकार के तहत प्रवेश हो सकेंगे।

कक्षा 9 से 12 के लिए प्रवेश की अंतिम तिथि 15 जुलाई 2016 रखी गई है।

प्रस्तावित पंचांग के मुताबिक जुलाई 2016 से जून 2017 तक 234 दिन स्कूल लगेंगे और  52 रविवार तथा 79 अन्य अवकाश होंगे।

28 अक्टूबर से 8 नवम्बर तक मध्यावकाश।

24 दिसंबर से 12 जनवरी तक शीतकालीन अवकाश रहेगा।

शिक्षकों के लिए 9-10 सितम्बर को जिला व 21-22 अक्टूबर को राज्य स्तरीय शैक्षिक सम्मेलन होंगे।

22 से 24 अगस्त तक प्रथम, 7 से 10 अक्टूबर तक द्वितीय और 9 से 11 फरवरी तक तृतीय परख होगी। 10 से 23 दिसम्बर तक अर्ध वार्षिक व 13 से 25 अप्रैल 2017 वार्षिक परीक्षा की तिथियां तय की गई है।

30 अप्रैल 2017 को रिजल्ट धोषित होगा ।

अगले वर्ष नया शैक्षिक सत्र एक मई 2017 से।

11 मई से 20 जून 2017 तक ग्रीष्मावकाश रहेगा।

शनिवार, 18 जून 2016

7वां वेतन आयोग: सरकारी कर्मचारियों को दशहरा से पहले मिल सकता है एकमुश्‍त एरियर*

*7वां वेतन आयोग: सरकारी कर्मचारियों को दशहरा से पहले मिल सकता है एकमुश्‍त एरियर*

नई दिल्‍ली : केंद्र सरकार के 47 लाख कर्मचारियों और 52 लाख पेंशनधारियों को उनके छह महीने का एरियर अक्‍टूबर महीने में दशहरा पर्व से पहले मिल सकता है। बता दें कि 7वें वेतन आयोग का लाभ अगस्त से मिलना शुरू हो सकता है। मीडिया रिपोर्टों के मुताबिक उम्मीद जताई जा रही है कि इसमें कर्मचारियों का वेतन 30 फीसदी तक बढ़ सकता है।

मीडिया रिपोर्टों के अनुसार, एक अगस्त से केंद्रीय कर्मचारी और पेंशनधारी बढ़ी हुई सैलरी पाने लगेंगे। इन रिपोर्टों में कहा गया है कि पिछले छह महीने का एरियर एक बार में दशहरा से पहले खाते में दिया जाएगा। हालांकि यह अभी पूरी तरह साफ नहीं है कि बाकी की 6 महीने का पूरा एरियर एक साथ खाते में आएगा या फिर समय-समय पर कर्मचारियों के खाते में जमा किया जाएगा।

7वां वेतनमान : सरकारी कर्मचारियों को 1 अगस्त से मिल सकती है 6 महीने के एरियर के साथ बढ़ी हुई सैलरी

गौरतलब है कि केंद्र सरकार 7वें वेतनमान को 1 जनवरी 2016 से प्रभावी बनाने की तैयारी में है। 7वें वेतन आयोग में 2,50,000 रुपए का अधिकतम मूल वेतन और 18,000 रुपए का न्यूनतम मूल वेतन का सुझाव दिया गया था। इसके अलावा 30 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि को मानें तो मासिक वेतन क्रमशः 23,400 रुपये  के न्यूनतम स्तर और 3,25,000 रुपये के अधिकतम स्तर तक पहुंच सकता है।

छठा वेतन आयोग 1 जनवरी, 2006 से लागू हुआ था और उम्मीद है कि सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशें 1 जनवरी, 2016 से लागू होंगी और कर्मचारियों को एरियर दिया जाएगा। आमतौर पर राज्यों की ओर से भी कुछ संशोधनों के साथ इन्हें अपनाया जाता है। कहा जा रहा है कि नए वेतन ढांचे में सातवें वेतन आयोग ने छठे वेतन आयोग द्वारा शुरू की गई 'पे ग्रेड' व्यवस्था खत्म कर इसे वेतन के मैट्रिक्स (ढांचे) में शामिल कर दिया है और कर्मचारी का ओहदा अब ग्रेड पे की जगह नए ढांचे के वेतन से तय होगा।

शुक्रवार, 17 जून 2016

Arthakranti Proposal

Anil Bokil , one of the key member of Arthakranti Sansthan was given time to share to PM Modi. He was given 9min for sharing but Mr Modi heard him for 2 hrs.

Arthakranti Proposal

What is Arthakranti Proposal and who hasgiven the proposal?

“Arthakranti Proposal” has been given by a Pune (Maharashtra) based “Arthakranti Sansthan” which is an Economic Advisory body constituted by a group of Chartered Accountants and Engineers. This funda has been patented by the Sansthan.

Arthakranti Proposal is an effective and guaranteed solution of Black Money Generation, Price rise and Inflation, Corruption, Fiscal Deficit, Unemployment, Ransom, GDP and industrial growth, terrorism and good governance.

What is in the Proposal ?

“Arthakranti Proposal has FIVE point of actions simultaneously.

(1) Scrap all 56 Taxes including income tax excluding import duty.

(2) Recall and scrap high denomination currencies of 1000, 500 and 100 rupees.

(3) All high value transaction to be made only through banking system like cheque, DD, online and electronic.

(4) Fix limit of cash transaction and no taxing on cash transaction.

(5) For Govt. revenue collection introduce single point tax system through banking system – Banking Transaction Tax (2% to 0.7%) on only Credit Amount

Important Points to note:

(1) As on today total banking transaction is more than 2.7 lakh crores per day say more than 800 lakh crores annually.

(2) Less than 20% transaction is made through banking system as on today and more than 80% transaction made in cash only, which is not traceable.

(3) 78% of Indian population spend less than 20/- rupees daily why they need 1000/- rupee note.

What will happen if All FIFTY SIX Taxes including income tax scrapped :

(1) Salaried people will bring home more money which will increase purchasing power of the family.

(2) All commodities including Petrol, Diesel, FMCG will become cheaper by 35% to 52% .

(3) No question of Tax evasion so no black money generation.

(4) Business sector will get boosted. So self employment.

What will happen if 1000/ 500/ 100 Rupees currency notes recalled and scrapped :

(1) Corruption through cash will stopped 100%.

(2) Black money will be either converted to white or will vanish as billions of 1000/500/100 currency notes hidden in bags without use will become simple pieces of papers.

(3) Unaccounted hidden huge cash is skyrocketing the prices of properties, land, houses, jewellery etc and hard earned money is loosing its value; this trend will stop immediately.

(4) Kidnapping and ransom, “Supari killing” will stop.

(5) Terrorism supported by cash transaction will stop.

(6) Cannot buy high value property in cash showing very less registry prices.

(7) Circulation of “Fake Currency” will stop because fake currency printing for less value notes will not be viable.

What will happen when Banking Transaction Tax (2% to 0.7%) is implemented :

(1) As on today if BTT is implemented govt can fetch 800 x 2% = 16 lakh crore where as current taxing system is generating less than 14 lakh crore revenue.

(2)When 50% of total transaction will be covered by BTT sizing 2000 to 2500 lakh crores, Govt will need to fix BTT as low as 1% to 0.7% and this will boost again banking transaction many fold.

(3) No separate machinery like income tax department will be needed and tax amount will directly deposited in State/Central/District administration account immediately.

(4) As transaction tax amount will be very less, public will prefer it instead paying huge amount against directly/indirectly FIFTY SIX taxes.

(5) There will be no tax evasion and govt will get huge revenue for development and employment generation.

(6) For any special revenue for special projects, govt can slightly raise BTT say from 1% to 1.2% and this 0.2% increase will generate 4,00,000 crores additional fund.

Effect of if implemented today :

(01)Prices of all things will come down.

(02)Salaried people will get more cash in hand.

(03)Purchasing power of Society will increase.

(04)Demand will boost, so will production and industrialisation and ultimately more employment opportunity for youth.

(05) Surplus revenue to the govt for effective health/ education/ infrastructure/ security/ social works.

(06) Cheaper and easy loans from banks, interest rate will come down.

(07) Tendency of society will changes from scarcity to quantity.

(08) Spare money for political system for clean politics,

(09) Prices of land/ property will come down,

(10) No need to export beef to cover up trade deficit

(11) Sufficient fund for research and development.

(12) Society will be free from “Bad elements”.

A very nice n simple compilation with logical impact. Worth sharing!!

"ArthaKranti proposal -It will Fully Change India" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/GVfmUmB0bpM

Forward it to all and spread awaren[truncated by WhatsApp]